Client: USACE Alaska
Location: Kodiak, Alaska
Scope of Work:
- Investigation
- Risk evaluation
Brice performed a Data Gap Investigation at the Buskin Beach Greely Road Garrison Lube Pits FUDS based on the results of a 2021 project that involved baseline sampling and a soil vapor extraction (SVE)/air sparging (AS) pilot study to establish current baseline conditions for groundwater, evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of SVE/AS for site remediation, and to obtain design criteria for full-scale implementation of an SVE/AS remedy.
Baseline soil sampling found the distribution of trichloroethene (TCE) was greater than previously reported and identified a groundwater data gap. TCE was found to remain above cleanup levels in monitoring well MW-7 without downgradient/cross-gradient monitoring wells to bound the groundwater contamination. It was recommended that the AS with vertical wells be abandoned, additional monitoring wells be installed to fill data gaps related to the extent of the TCE plume, and additional delineation of soil TCE contamination be completed via a data gap investigation.
Brice decommissioned the former Pilot Test Study SVE vacuum monitoring points and AS injection wells from Pilot Test Areas 1, 2, 3, and 4. We collected groundwater samples from eight existing monitoring wells and installed additional monitoring wells as well as passive soil gas vapor samplers. As part of the Data Gap Investigation and historical site data, Brice completed a Risk Evaluation.