Client: USACE Seattle
Location: Oregon Air National Guard Sites, Oregon
Scope of Work:
- Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation
- Remedial Investigation
Through the Brice-AECOM JV1, Brice is investigating PFAS contamination at two Oregon Air National Guard (ANG) facilities— Portland ANG Base (PANGB) and the Kingsley Field ANG Base (KFANGB). At KFANGB, we are performing a PFAS Supplemental PA/SI that expands upon a 2018 PFAS PA/SI that focused solely on aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) releases on-base, to research both AFFF and non-AFFF releases and potential sources on and off-base but within CLKR-managed property.
Similarly, at the PANGB, we are performing a PFAS RI that includes an additional Historical Records Search to investigate for AFFF and non-AFFF releases and sources. The RI will delineate the horizontal and vertical extents in all PFAS-impacted media, utilize new and historical PFAS data to update the conceptual site model, and prepare a Human Health Risk Assessment.
Both the KFANGB Supplemental PA/SI and the PANGB RI include development of site-specific project planning documents as well as community relations (regulatory meetings and Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting presentations). As part of RAB meeting materials, we will use three-dimensional contaminant visualization modeling to facilitate understanding of contamination release mechanisms and migration pathways by interested parties.
To date, Brice has completed the field sampling for the KFANGB Supplemental PA/SI. Additional field tasks included installation and development of 15 permanent shallow groundwater monitoring wells and separate 30 soil borings. We sampled soil, groundwater, sediment, and surface water.
The PANGB remedial investigation includes the installation and development of permanent groundwater monitoring wells to depths of 200 feet below ground surface, soil borings, and lysimeter installation. Sampled media includes soil, groundwater, soil pore water, sediment, and surface water.