Client: USACE Omaha
Location: Cannon AFB, New Mexico
Scope of Work:
- Investigation
- Design
- Construction
- Operation and Maintenance
Brice is performing the construction and installation of a hydraulic containment and groundwater treatment system as part of a time sensitive pilot-scale field study for PFAS impacted groundwater. The pilot-scale project consists of a pre-design investigation phase, design phase, construction phase, and an operation and maintenance phase. The project objective is to demonstrate the efficacy of hydraulic capture and treatment technologies to address off-site migration of PFAS-contaminated groundwater.
The pre-design investigation included preliminary groundwater sampling, a bench-scale treatability study, and an aquifer pumping test. These actions supported the design of the pump and treatment system, and the identification of the media that will remove PFAS compounds most efficiently, and also provided data for a life-cycle cost analysis.
Brice is completing the construction of the PFAS treatment system and facility which has included the installation of six injection wells, four extraction wells, two adaptable wells, and eight groundwater monitoring wells to 400 feet bgs, trenching and installing ~3,500 feet of conveyance piping from the injection and extraction wells to the treatment system building, trenching and installing ~5,400 feet of electrical conduit to bring power to the site and well field, and constructing a 112-ft x 72-ft building to house multiple tanks of various sizes designed to treat up to 1,200 gpm for the pilot-scale hydraulic containment and treatment of PFAS impacted groundwater.
Upon construction completion, the treatment system will be started up and begin the one-year operation and maintenance phase.