Client: Federal Aviation Administration
Location: Skwentna, Alaska
Scope of Work:
- Excavation
- Landfarm / bioremediation
- In situ chemical oxidation
Brice completed a unique remedial action at a remote site in Alaska involving onsite landfarming of petroleum contaminated soil, in-situ chemical oxidation treatment of smear zone soil and groundwater, removal of an unregulated landfill being eroded by the Skwentna River and threatening a release into surface water, streambank restoration, and removal, restoration and offsite disposal of ~1,200 cy of petroleum-, lead-, PCB-, and pesticide-impacted soil from six areas of concern.
We sampled multiple groundwater monitoring wells, several which we decommissioned during excavation, and installed and sampled eight new monitoring wells. For contaminated material that could not be treated onsite, Brice hired locals to haul out 1 to 6 bags of contaminated material at a time over the river using landing craft in the summer and snow machines in the winter.
The project location presented multiple challenges:
- It is off the road system, and only accessible by small aircraft, small boat via the Skwentna River, or by snowmachine in the winter
- The Skwentna river is too shallow and the local runway is small—site access conditions that eliminated the use of a large barge or a C-130 cargo plane to haul 1100, 1-cy bags of contaminated materials offsite
- Areas of concern were heavily forested; one area of concern was within the airport right-of-way
- The project required several permits including right of entry from landowners, ADF&G Streambank Restoration, DNR Land Use, DNR Notice of Intent for gravel extraction, and DOT and FAA Obstruction Determination OE/AAA to perform work within an active runway safety area.
- COVID-19 caused a two-year delay in the fieldwork
Brice successfully completed the project using alternative approaches to overcoming project complexities.
Performance Highlights
- Completed project with no safety incidents
- Received ‘EXCEPTIONAL’ and ‘VERY GOOD’ past performance ratings from the client