Client: Air Force Civil Engineer Center
Location: Wake Island
Scope of Work:
- Excavation of contaminated soils
- Removal of stockpiled contaminated soils
- Confirmation sampling
- Transport and offsite disposal
Brice performed a remedial action at Sites OT013 (Scrap Metal Pile No. 2 and Burn Area) and ZZ011 (Burn Area No. 2) on Wake Island Airfield, Wake Island Atoll. The project objectives included removal of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)-contaminated soil at OT013, excavation of dioxin-contaminated soil at ZZ011, confirmation soil sampling, and transport and disposal of all PCB- and dioxin-contaminated soil to an offsite facility.
Brice removed approximately 247 cubic yards/296 tons of PCB-contaminated soil and 8 tons of debris from the stockpile footprint (62 ft x 38 ft) at OT013. Based on the results of environmental sampling at OT013, no further action was recommended. From ZZ011, we excavated approximately 92 cubic yards/110 tons. The final excavation was approximately 38.5 ft by 21 ft. We placed a geofabric liner in the open excavation to indicate the depth of the 2017 excavation for future remediation. We then backfilled the excavation with clean material to secure the location.
Because analytical results indicated that dioxin contamination remains at ZZ011, Brice recommended additional investigation to delineate the vertical and lateral extent of dioxin-contaminated soil and that any future excavation be put on hold until additional data is obtained. Our field observations also indicated a potential for asbestos-containing material mixed with rock, soil, and burnt debris.
Brice conducted the project in accordance with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Field Sampling Guidance, the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) Incremental Sampling Methodology, Title 18 of the Alaska Administrative Code, Chapter 75 (18 AAC 75) Oil and Other Hazardous Substances Pollution Control.
Performance Highlights
- Completed the project on time, on budget and with zero safety incidents
- Successfully closed the PCB site in accordance with project goals and objectives