Brice performed a Data Gap Investigation at the Buskin Beach Greely Road Garrison Lube Pits FUDS based on the results of a 2021 project that involved baseline sampling and a soil vapor extraction (SVE)/air sparging (AS) pilot study to establish current baseline conditions for groundwater, evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of SVE/AS for site remediation, Read More
Haines Fuel Terminal PFAS Remedial Investigation
Brice was awarded a contract to complete a remedial investigation for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at the former Haines Fuel Terminal (HFT) near Haines, Alaska. The objectives of the RI are to characterize the nature and extent of PFAS contamination present in soil and groundwater to ensure there are no remaining data gaps, and Read More
Remedial Action, Hamilton-Labree Roads Groundwater Contamination Superfund Site, OU-1
As subcontractor to AECOM, Brice supported an innovative remedial action project at Berwick Creek in Chehalis, Washington. The project objective was to remediate PCE contamination in the subsurface beneath Berwick Creek using thermal treatment. The source of contamination was dumping of spent solvent. Brice’s scope of work included site preparation, temporary facilities, Berwick Creek water Read More
F-16 Crash Rapid Response Action, DeRidder, LA
Under our joint venture, Brice-AECOM JV1, Brice performed a Rapid Response Action to recover fuel contaminated soil and munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) resulting from an F-16 crash near DeRidder, Louisiana. The project objectives were to remove MEC; delineate, excavate, transport, and dispose of jet-fuel contaminated soil; and backfill and restore the site to Read More
PFAS Supplemental PA/SI and RI, Multiple Sites, Oregon
Through the Brice-AECOM JV1, Brice is investigating PFAS contamination at two Oregon Air National Guard (ANG) facilities— Portland ANG Base (PANGB) and the Kingsley Field ANG Base (KFANGB). At KFANGB, we are performing a PFAS Supplemental PA/SI that expands upon a 2018 PFAS PA/SI that focused solely on aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) releases on-base, to Read More
Pilot Study and Hydraulic Containment, Cannon AFB, New Mexico
Brice is performing the construction and installation of a hydraulic containment and groundwater treatment system as part of a time sensitive pilot-scale field study for PFAS impacted groundwater. The pilot-scale project consists of a pre-design investigation phase, design phase, construction phase, and an operation and maintenance phase. The project objective is to demonstrate the efficacy Read More
Shoreline Cap and Outfall Repair, Tacoma, Washington
Through its JV, Brice-AECOM JV1, Brice completed a high-profile environmental construction project along the western shore of Commencement Bay in Ruston and Tacoma, Washington, at the location of the former ASARCO facility, a historic site with a legacy dating back to the late 1800s. The 90-acre location, encompassing the shoreline down to mean lower low Read More
Invasive Species Removal, Wake Island
Brice completed the removal of an invasive species known as Ironwood trees from various areas of concern on the remote Wake Island Airfield. Removing the trees was necessary to improve habitat for native species and reduce safety concerns in areas adjacent to the active runway on this U.S. Air Force installation. An environmental assessment determined Read More
Remedial Action, Former FAA Station
Brice completed a unique remedial action at a remote site in Alaska involving onsite landfarming of petroleum contaminated soil, in-situ chemical oxidation treatment of smear zone soil and groundwater, removal of an unregulated landfill being eroded by the Skwentna River and threatening a release into surface water, streambank restoration, and removal, restoration and offsite disposal Read More
Remedial Action-Construction, Campion Air Force Station and Eareckson Air Station, AK
Brice performed a site characterization at the POL Storage Area at Campion AFS, Alaska and remedial action construction at two sites located at Eareckson AS (EAS), Alaska—Transformer Oil Spills at Old Cobra Dane, and the Old White Alice Site. For Campion AFS, we performed the work to identify the appropriate remedial-action construction next steps. At Read More